Thursday, April 26, 2012

Education for all!!! for all. I will get to the point. With my intellectual prowess I usually am in favor of being rational and realistic with a twist of utilitarianism at time when it comes to certain issues. SO that being said. I am making the claim that education is not only needed for all, but is a fundamental RIGHT for all. Some libertarians and even some conservatives like to believe that education is almost for those who have the ability to attain an education. This excludes a great amount and makes societies more unequal. That being said, my belief in the matter is this:  under our countries founding documents it presents the argument that we have the "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Within this phrase it is decreed that there are certain unalienable rights for ALL humans. Now, I greatly agree to each and every one of these. My argument goes against modern conservative and libertarian viewpoints. We will take the 3 unalienable rights in sequence and will show how education is vital to all three of these aspects or rights.

Life: Education is needed to maintain a life. The greater part of the life of a higher thinking or higher level being with brain capacity is spent trying learn and perfect new things in life so that life itself can become easier. We see this throughout all of nature. It is no different in mankind than in the animal kingdom. (no I will not argue for unalienable rights of animals at this time). So if we can identify that learning continuously sought for throughout a life of a being such as humans and even into the animal kingdom, education is needed for all because by natures discourse, we inherently are always learning to make our lives better and easier. Libertarians and conservatives would not necessarily argue against this tenet. However, what they fail to realize is that this inherent and nature driven fact is an argument that goes for having education for all, for the bettering of their lives.

Liberty:  This is the tenet where libertarians would stop and go ::hehe:: here is where his argument will fail. They would say that each human has the liberty and the ability to go out and gain or attain an education for themselves, and if they do not, well, that's too bad. My counterpoint is quite simple. How in the heck can any human attain their full liberty if they do not have the education to understand what liberty stands for and means? If you go up to the average third world person, I would be willing to bet that if you presented the term "liberty" along with a minor definition that it would be hard for them to grasp the complexity of the term. Lets be honest, it took mankind many many many centuries to grapple with the term liberty and to give it a more concrete definition and picture for the developed world. Ever since Leonidas stood against Xerxes in the name of liberty, to the recent Arab Spring in the Middle East and Northern Africa, people around the world have been continuously LEARNING what the term liberty means. But they cannot do so Cannot learn the term in its fullness without an education to back it up and to help you along in the process of identifying its true meaning.

Pursuit of Happiness:  This one for me is also quite simple. You will not have happiness if you are not educated. Firstly, for the previous to reasons you cannot understand liberty which often leads to happiness. Also, if you defy nature and the rule of life itself that we are always seeking to learn more, happiness will not be the end result. By now you should recognize that all 3 of these rights are intertwined. The precursor to all of these is education. Once we embrace the course of nature and the meaning of life, which can be argued to be learning to make your life easier and better, whether it be to sufficiently eat healthier or more, or how to survive in the wild, it is all LEARNING or education to better your life. Next we have liberty. Without liberty we as a species have nothing, nothing at all. Cannot have the ability to learn even. Ask third world people living in an authoritarian situation. They do not have liberty, partially because they do not know what it is, nor do they have the education or capacity to understand it in the future. Once we embrace life, and liberty, finally as a species we will have happiness. If as a species we have happiness, I think that is the culmination of our life's goals.

So if we have all three of these, as a species we will have attained it mostly through educating ourselves. So I ask you, if education is not a right or not argued fairly and equally for all, how can we argue we are safeguarding our 3 inalienable rights, as well as helping others throughout the world to gain these 3 unalienable rights. Some would say, we can do it by force. I would say, do so by education. Makes more sense, you are going along with nature, you are helping others gain liberty, and thus are helping people gain full happiness for themselves. This will sound somewhat socialistic, but I believe because of this, as fellow humans, we have the responsibility to help others gain an education. Once this occurs, the cohesiveness of the world, a nation, and as a species will be greatly personified. This would be true because of the fact that equality will be greatly enhanced through education as well. IF equality is enhanced, why would that not help us as a species? That makes no sense. Education is needed. That is all.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Environment vs. humanitarian aid.

Well, I had an epiphany the other night when I should have been studying. I sometimes go on these rants in my head like a madman. Finally, I have some place to voice what my reasoning and thinking is. I will say this topic is somewhat unplanned and could be more controversial to some people. However, I will attempt to use reasoning and logic to explain my viewpoint. My viewpoint is not a 100% full proof obviously, but in any argument or discussion I am usually a pretty middle of the road type of guy. Anyways, the issue I wanted to discuss with you involves the topic of helping the environment to prevent global warming and humanitarian aid. Now the short version of my viewpoint on the controversial topic of global warming and the environment is this. I love the outdoors, I cherish mother earth. I believe this world is warming up. I cannot tell how or why, and for the record I don't believe anyone for certain can distinguish why. In science there are often for sure things that must be identified and maintained by the entire science community. Sun is the center of solar system. Man should not attempt to control nature. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. These are FACTS. However, scientists can only speculate as to why the earth is warming, both because of its complexity and the fact that it has happened before. I am not here to bash global warming theorists. I will state that right away. But until we can 100% identify the cause things need to be examined differently. For one, lets be honest, a TON of money goes into helping the environment for a better tomorrow and being more efficient. Now I am easily convinced for economic reasons we should be more efficient with the environment and our energy sources. That is a friggin no brainer!!!! But the argument of giving aid towards the environment for a better tomorrow and our kids future, is a little more flawed in my opinion. Few things, it is evident that economic our parents don't care truly about us the way they spent their money and pissed our economic futures away. (I am 23 btw). I will not say my parents directly helped this occur, but still. The general population did. ( another blog sometime) My point is this, if our parents screwed us over, environmentally why are we looking out for our futures? Seems somewhat controversial and harsh. But at the same time, once again, scientifically can we honestly say that driving hybrid cars IS making a LARGE enough difference on the environment. Don't get me wrong, I love hybrids, and they are MAKING a difference for the environment. However, is the difference enough, and if it is or isn't, once again how can you calculate that? They really can't. You can try and say, well so much amount of Co2 is not being addmitted into the air. Plausible, but still not full proof. Again my point is these are estimates. So, as a world and a nation, we are dedicating billions if not trillions to helping maintaining our planets future. This is an honorable and truly magnifiscent quest we have all embarked on.

My second half is more talking about why having an obscene amount of dollars going towards the environment could be better spent. Now, the other night when I had this epiphany I came to the conclusion that this money should going towards the aid and helping people throughout the world that need it. Some would call this aid humanitarian in nature and I would tend to agree. It is commonplace throughout or media world to see images of children and adults who do not have water or food or homes to live in. Now these images, to me personally piss the crap out of me. They truly do. I want all of it to end. I want human suffering to end. That is my goal in life to make this change for humans to be left better of when I leave this earth. That being said, my epiphany came in the realization that if all or close to all of the funding going from every nation and NGO that goes to the environment (minus energy efficiency, and I realize that is hard to distinguish, but at the very least it would have a cap on it set) and would go soley to humanitarian aid towards ending world hunger, ending homelessness in developed countries, and further developing the 3rd world countries in the form of education for all.

Now is where my rant turns more .........into enhanced moodyness mode. I mean really people? You go explain it to all those starving children in 3rd world countries that you just bought a hybrid car that could have fed that child for years upon years to come. You tell that to them. Or tell the third world village that they could have a school with books for their kids to learn if it werent for the fact that our government spent it on the salaries of EPA scientists WHO WILL NEVER FIND OUT OFFICIALLY why the earth is warming. Are you kidding me? You look all those people in the eyes, and tell them that we don't care because we care more about mother nature. As I said previously, this is a noble cause and quest. However, the resources being allocated could SAVE lives. I mean save them. Thats just me people and its just my opinion. I hope each of you has a good opinion.

One final thing, the argument will surface that all nations could cut defense and military spending. I AGREE!!!! However, I am a realist, and this although benificial is unrealistic. My point in this discussion was to prove the flawed argument of the environmentalist position and the need for humanitarism throughout the world. BUT. I believe the same that a TON of the money each country spends on defense and their military is wasted for no reason, and that this money could be diverted towards other actions such as humanitarian aid, that in the end........Peace would be able to prosper more so than if we continue on our militaristic sabre rattling world we live in.

Either way, interesting epiphany. Please keep in mind I am a practical guy and love others opinions. I, unlike many, can see both sides argument. I just decided to make this stand here. Thanks again for reading.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kony on facebook

Well, first of all if you have not seen the video on youtube, you probably should. Just type in Kony 2012. Anyways, for those who have seen it, good for you. This guy clearly needs to be stopped for his war crimes, and it is somewhat scary that the international community does not care more. For that very reason this attempt to make him "famous" is working. Many people have already watched the video and the message is going around. However, the critic in me likes to question things. So, if this guy has been displacing people for around 20 years and kidnapping and murdering children and people, why has he not been stopped? Also, why has it taken until now for most of the 1st world countries to notice this guy? Seems kind of odd. I mean really, why can't we just send over a spec ops team and take him out. Seems to have been working lately on other mass murderers. However, the one part of the video I truly love is when the guy helps his kid understand that there are bad guys out there and they should be stopped. It is somewhat of an early way of helping his kid learn about Globalization in many ways. That is the ultimate question: will this be successful in catching this guy. If so, globalization wins the day. We have seen the internet which is probably the biggest force in globalization help topple governments in Egypt, Libya, and soon to be Syria. Even though I am skeptical that he can be caught, I believe he can and will be. The challenge is getting those around him to give him up for the betterment of mankind. Only time will tell.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Fictional Characters I would like to meet!!!

Wow. Great thinking about this list. Took a while. Will for sure be a long one!!!

1. Multiple people in Sackett family: Louis L'amours creation in his western style penny novels. Great pioneer family that is followed from Jamestown all the way to the close of the 19th century. Just a lot of great heroes. The premise of the family is nobody screws with a Sackett, and that all Sackett's stick together. Some of the books entail having one Sackett in trouble and random long lost cousins that bare the same name coming to the rescue. Little cliche, but I love them to death. Just a tough bunch of hombres.

2. Gandalf: Yeah, this guy rocks. I am somewhat of a fantasy nerd, so my list wil have a lot of characters like this. Great man, that stood for great things. Willing to sacrifice himself for the good of all. Believed in those that nobody else believed in. Can do magic lol. Did not seek out power even though it was offered to him. Has a great beard. Dies and comes back to life. Just awesome.

3. Wheel of Time characters.: much like the Tolkien world there is a ton of people to get to know. I want to meet so many. Meet all the channelers (people who can do magic) and especially the main characters.

4. Albus Dumbledore: basically the same can be said of him as Gandalf, but so much more I think. Again the sacrifice was one of the biggest reasons I love this character.

5. Atticus Finch: WOW what a great man. Probably the most moralistic on this list potentially. The life lessons that are undertoned in this novel/movie is epic. He is the epitome of good and the greatest of men.

6. Aslan: Chronicles of Narnia Jesus Christ like character. Just an amazing animal. So many Christ like comparisons that were intentional by CS Lewis. And again the the sacrifice of him.

7. Rodiom Romanavich: Crime and punishment main character. So many questions I would ask him about his regret and what or why he committed the crimes.

8.  Darth Vader: YES!!!! because he is one of the greatest villains, went from good, bad, to good again. So cool. Cool is putting it mildly though. And yes I am including movies btw. Vader just has so many complexities. Plus he is great with the force.

9. Yoda: probably one fo the greatest and most cool quotable characters. Would just like to talk to him because of his conversational ability. Listening to his wisdom would be amazing.

10. Tony Soprano: most of you would agree in asking him if he is dead or not based on that final episode. Just HAVE to know.

11. Michael Corleone: Godfather main character and oddly enough a very evil character. Becuase of his dramatic and influence he has I would love to meet him. Just the epitome of power.

12. Dr. Emmett Brown: I want to know how to make that car. Of course in a jeep version. Flux capacitor. What the heck is that and how do I make it. THe whole plutonium thing is the hard part. Oh well.

13. Shane: um yeah.....did he die at the end. or not? Gotta ask him. He appears to ride into sunset. But he was injured.

14. William Munny: probably one of the meanest good guys on the list. Just epic and scary. That ending is awesome with him also.

15. Rambo: just want to meet the guy, just a baddass, lets be honest.

16. Al czervik: Caddyshack buffoon played by Rodney Dangerfield. Just a bunch of fun times.

17. Judah Ben-Hur: great man that witnessed Christ's life.

18. John H. Miller: captain played by Tom Hanks in Saving private ryan. Man's man!!!

19. Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, and Jim: Great adventurers and friends. Good bunch of guys.

20. Rick Blaine: BADDASS. biggest baddass of them all. Wow would love to meet him he is a great guy, stands for good, loves deep down, and is a just person.

21. Forrest Gump: funny guy and I can quote his entire movie. A true journeyman.

22. Mickey Mouse: nuff said.

23. Superman: yep

24. V: main character in V for vendetta, much like yoda just would want to talk to him.

25: Sherlock Holmes: One of the smartest on list

26. Winnie the Pooh: whatever a pooh is it is the nicest thing on the list.

27. Augustus Mcrae and Captain Call: Lonesome dove duo. Greatest duo in the bunch.
28.Ms. Frizzle: wow. Great lady, smart, and fun. Awesome teacher.

29. Toad and Frog: best friends yep.

30. Beowulf: Just cool guy and if you have ever seen 13 warriors he is a baddass

31: travis Bickle: just cuz he is crazy

32. Will Kane: Sherrif from high noon. epitome of a man

33. Hannibel Lector: again because he is nuts

34. Paulie Walnuts from Sopranos: just a funny guy

35.  Snape: Hero in the end, courage, and bravery

36. Captain Ahab: talk about a guy that is just a man and nobody can argue with it. Evil, mean, and tough as nails.

37. The big Lebowski: just because he is so funny. And I want to here him say the dude abides lol

38. Optimus Prime: BANG. Only machine on the list I believe, another sacrifice guy.

39.  Scrooge: Cranky guy, rich guy, but ends up nice. Thats a complex story to intrigue anyone.

40. Achilles and Odysseus: Just two amazing fighters and leaders. Just amazing and probably the greatest of hero stories of all time.

41. King Arthur: wow. I do not know if he is real or not, but what a hero, epitome of good, justice, and glory all in one.

42: Merlin: Like Gandalf, has good virtues and is a great wizard that helped tutor King Arthur.

43.  Robin Hood: THe guy that took for the rich to give to the poor. Hero of the poor. A great hero for all those lost.

44. Harry Potter: Destiny shines upon this boy. Hero to the little people and those that were not great at first but have the character to do so.

45. Batman: Good even if it means going against being the good guy in the end. Sacrifices his life for a city and a desire to help others.

46.Tom Joad: He is a great American. Tough, everlasting, loving, and courageous. Makes an average american like myself want to be great.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Coke vs. Pepsi

We have all been there. You go to a restaurant with a bunch of people/relatives/friends and you are ordering drinks. I myself like a good pop or as some people to prefer to call it. Soda. Whatever. I always get Coke. Little background knowledge about me and Coke. i grew up on it. Hardcore. everyone in my family drank it. I felt (and still do feel awkward around people who like or drink pepsi near me. I guess you can call me a little bit of a "pepsi-phobic" person. So today......I go out to eat and i am asked if I want a fresh pepsi or soda to drink. At this point in time I do my usuall and just order a ice water. Here is my theory on Pepsi. I ask anyone to please go do a taste test of pepsi regular and coke. First off they taste nothing alike. Anybody who tells you otherwise clearly does not get it. They are completely different. Now for a better comparison. Go buy a diet coke and regular the taste test. They are much more similar. I will say almost in a scary way. However, each has their distinct taste. Coke to me is and always will be the more robust of the flavors. Not saying that being non-robust as a soda is bad, just that its not for me. But thats just it. Pepsi is not robust in flavor so why compare it to regular coke? Just a minor fact, but back in the 1980s I believe the Coke company switched its formula for regular coke. People were pissed because they said it was not robust enough or as tasty and some even compared it to pepsi. Talk about a wake up call. I am not here to convince you to drink coke or pepsi. Make the decision for yourself. All I know is one is more of a robust flavor and the other tastes more sweet. Not bad, just not for everyone I guess. Also another fun fact, heard once that next to hello and Mcdonalds that the word Coke is the third most widely used and wellknown word in the world. Talk about marketing. Anyways, thats this weeks rant I guess. Feel free to comment.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Great movies that people should see and why

First off I will try and have different genres of movies so as to accomodate to everyone.

Great action movies.
1. Godfather series: could be under the drama or epic genre. Has it all, great acting, storyline, and character development. Even the actors in the film were astounded by the script when they first read it.
2. Young Guns: could be in western genre also. However, this film has an immmense sense of "baddassness" about it that makes it a great action film. Story follows the cast of keifer sutherland, emilio estevez and Charlie sheen as they go on the path of revenge for a murdered caretaker.
3. Bourne series: For sure took the spy movie to a whole new level. The energy and focus that Matt Damon brings to film is unique and new for this action type of genre.
4. Goodfellas: yes another gangster movie. But with the likes of de niro and pesci probably one the greatest tandems ever bring about a great story with character development and defining themes and undertones
5. No country for old men: Totally love this film. Could easily easily be in the drama genre. However, i just feel the urge to talk about it. Seriously research all the bleeping themes and foreshadowing in this movie. So amazing. after I read up on it I was completely stunned. the movie itself was sweet with Javier Bardon and tommy lee jones are pitted against one another as good and evil forces with a poor guy in the middle of the fight. great flick
6. Saving Private Ryan: another film that is both an epic and a drama. Seriously though, hard to argue against this one. Totally blew the lid off all war films based on modern warfare.
7. Star Wars: again movie changing films in two different decades. truly awe inspiring and will never be trumped.
8. Braveheart: Love, Warfare, drama, and just sweet.
9. Lord of the Rings: whenever you take books to films in the fantasy book genre it can be difficult to do. However, the guys within the LOTR film series hit it out of the park in my mind. I read the novels. and these movies were awesome renditions. THe thing that always gets me is those actors were filming in New Zealand for 2-3 years straight to finish the series in one sitting. Thats without knowing how successful it could be.
10. Lethal Weapon series: great brotherhood with lots of humor and action always a good combo.
11. Boondock saints: um offense, nuff said. MUST SEE

Western action:
1. Unforgiven: modern day movie with Eastwood and Freemen at the helm. Cannot go wrong there. and that movie truly is unforgettable, especially at the ending. Both Young guns and unforgiven have two of the most epic endings I have ever seen in an action film.
2. Lonesome Dove: realize this is a tv series. but to me its a movie. Great long film. Cattle drive western with Tommy lee jones and Robert Duvall at helm. It is truly a long journey that must be seen for its action and love for western lifestyle.
3. Sons of Katie Elder: Brothers come home led by John Wayne. Time to kick ass. Cant go wrong
4. El Dorado: another Wayne film typical one at that. But packed with action and underlinging themes that have people enthralled throughout.
5. Shane: ya amazing film. epic ending.
6. The Searchers: Wayne's first big film. Hold on to your seats.
7. A fistfull of Dollars: Eastwood. ya he is just a badass, cant argue in this one.
8. High Noon: Cooper delivers. must watch
9. The magificent seven: true good vs. evil.....heck ya. and plus EVERYONE is in it.


1. Slap shot: epic sports film with a ton of humor that was so mind blowing for its era in the late 70s.
2. Animal House: great college film that like Slap shot goes way over the top in a funny way for the late 70s that the film was made in.
3. graduate: also in many other genres, including being an epic. Great funny film.
4. the odd couple: OMFG: mathie and lemmon......great great duo. so hilarious. if you have ever fought with your best friend (hint alex we have to watch this) it is so friggin funny to watch these two go at it lol.
5. Theres something about mary: just so funny cannot stop smiling and might even watch tonight. all I have to say is ZIPPER lol
6. Caddyshack: just want to say...." its in the hole" and wow. like slap shot I can probably quote entire movie it is that funny.
7. Father of the Bride: Steve martin is truly hilarious in this and goes through something many Dads have to go trhough each day.
8. City Slickers: ya nuff said. and who doesnt love a good dude ranch comedy really?
9. Bull Durham: yep another sports comedy.
10. Good morning vietnam: great Robin williams comedy. loaded with drama, action, and lots of laughs, heck even the actors laugh in the movie.
11. Full metal jacket: hilarious for really sad reasons. and ya. just want to shout out to those who have seen it and say mickey mouse, lol

Drama: wide range of types

1. Shindlers list: one of the films I have actually cried in. truly astounding and touching
2. Casablanca: greatest love story of all time seriously though. and Humphrey Bogart is one of the greatest actors of all time. SCREAMS EPIC
3. Sound of Music: if you dont sing along to any of these songs you have no feelings.
4. Titanic: not my favorite, but is a must see because once again a pioneering film.
5. Forrest Gump: reall hard to argue against this. History, action, love, comedy, drama, um ya if you have ALL of those its a great film.
6. Ben Hur: epic old and somewhat action film that follows the life of Christ from the viewpoint of Charleton Heston.
7. The Princess Bride: Yeah i calll it a drama, and a love story also. just amazing and who doesnt like andre the giant lol.
8. The Notebook: second film that I cried in. Holy crap that ending!!???
9. The AFrican Queen: older film Epic baby.
10. Sleepless in seatle; great love story and tom hanks delivers knockout performance.
11. On the waterfront: seriously probably one of the greatest acting performances by Marlon brando. Between his acting, and Hanks in Forrest gump those are two must sees.
12. Gone with the Wind: ya just only one of the greatest films of all time. cannot argue against that. However, little long. lol
13. Lawrence of Arabia: yep. great great story and film.
14. Wizard of oz: nuff said
15. E.T.: kind of a freaky movie in a lot of ways, but also has love, and drama aspects.
16. Raging Bull: yeah, just ....ya de niro and pesci AGAIN. wow.
17. Rocky: omg. cant argue this one. try. i dare you.
18. Platoon: could be in action but so epic i see it as a drama. charlie sheen in pre crazy years was a great actor in this one.
19. The Adventures of Robin Hood: Erroll Flynn, if you havent heard of him. Watch this to see how awesome an actor he is.
20. Citizen Kane: notoriously top 10 films of all time. nuff said.
21. One flew over the cuckoos nest: yeah. Nicholsen is hilarious in this and it has a lot of good vs evil undertones.....miss ratchet....yuck.
22. Grapes of Wrath: just as good as the book. just a truly touching movie.
23. Mr. smith goes to washington: epic epic. Just cannot go wrong. Kind of wish this could happen today.
24. Shawshank Redemption: Just an amazing film. great acting. truly feel for the actors in this prison. omg. and good ending.
25. Dances with Wolves: kevin costners best film easily. Great story line and although questionable in its history, however, great either way.

Thrill films:
1. The exorcist: gives me chills to think bout it.
2. Jaws: jaw dropping movie, pun intended. Just truly a movie that broke so many barriers for its time.
3. Silence of the Lambs: CHilling with anthony hopkins as the notorious ......well sicko, guy that eats people.
4. The shining: HERES JOHNNY lol. great facial expression in that one.
5. Terminator: truly a movie that broke barriers as well. Just cannot even fathom that one in an every day life. but cool either way.
6. Jurrasic park: amazing amazing technology for its time. freaky freaky beasts in that movie.

Cartoons/Disney movies
1. Toy Story: truly an epic. Greatest duo ever in my mind ha
2. Lion King: ya. all time favorite personally.
3. Beauty and the Beast: just a great love story.
4. Robin Hood: who doesnt love a classic tale but animals as the characters lol?
5.SNow White: Well it is hard to argue with the first full length animated movie
6. Shrek: um ya. great movie. DONKEEEEYY

Others could be on these lists. feel free to let me know what I missed!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

February Holidays

So last week was valentines day and this week is presidents day and over the entire course of the month of February it is Black history month so I thought I would have a post about these holidays. First off, Valentines day sucks. And it sucks ya you guessed it because I am single. I know what some people are thinking, oh Erik you are fine. But no. lets have a dang holiday to make a select few of us lonely people feel like crap lol. I mean really. And another thing that I find odd about the holiday is that......its one day. Now when I finally do end up falling in love in the next millenium I think I will have more than one day that is dedicated to loving my significant other. I mean seriously "hey we have one day for just all out love." The ladies will be happy to hear that I am much more of a loving an affectionate guy than that. Obviously it is no secret that this holiday is a corporate gimic to help the economy. Thats all fine and dandy, but hey you do make a lot of people feel like crap also in the process. Presidents day is another holiday although a less controversial one. Even though I am a history and poly sci type of student I find it somewhat idiotic that we have to idolize and honor our presidents even more so than they already have. And personally if I were a president I could give a hoot less if there was a day for me. Oh well, just an excuse to not go to work or something I guess. But in all honesty, why have it. I mean when have you ever said "happy presidents day" to someone or giving them a card? My guess is you haven't. But the historian in me likes the idea of having a remembrance day for certain people who have impacted our nation. That being said, a lot of the presidents were actually not good at all. Idk. odd holiday in my book. Finally, and most importantly Black history month. I just think that it is stupid that we need to have one month about a race. I mean each race that inhabits this great nation is unique in so many awesome ways, yet we choose to specifically recognize just one each month. I say why not Asian Americans, or Latino Americans. I mean I guess maybe they do have months, but they are not as widely celebrated. My point is this, each race is unique in this country and that is why we are great. We all have so many different cultures and uniqueness about our own race or ethnicity. I think (somewhat like Valentines day in love) that we should recognize these awesome cultures each day of our lives we live as citizens in America. I realize my tone just got serious, and it is because I am fervently for the recognition of other races and ethnicities other than white in this country. I just think it needs to be more engrained into our daily lives. I mean think about it. It would be so much better for us as a nation. Also, on the topic of race and ethnicity recognition, Dr. Martin Luther King should have way more than a day for him. That man was a pioneering American more so than most people identify. Changed America, not for his own well being but for others and for America as a whole. I mean, as a history buff you look at people who have truly changed history for the better, and Ya it is somewhat hard to think of a more modern compelling person than MLK. So i propose this......Black history month be made into MLK month and we begin as a nation to teach more about one anothers race and ethnicity year round rather then in one damn month. Just my thoughts, and as usuall feel free to let me know what you think.